
Rising air pollution levels, increasing mountains of waste, choking of our drains and water bodies with plastic, rampant cutting of trees and forests to build roads & buildings, reducing green spaces and falling ground water tables are for all city folks to witness.

Healing Our Cities is an endeavour to create and build a collective eco-consciousness among people living in urban areas based on values of compassion and respect for the planet we inhabit. Our aim is to inspire city folks to heal the degraded environment of urban spaces by spearheading eco-initiatives in their homes, residential communities and work places.  We believe that when individuals and communities come together and decide to take action, they can drive positive change which can go a long way in reducing the air, water and soil pollution that we see in all our towns and cities.

If this concept interests you, please subscribe to our blog with your email address. Our blogs will showcase films, success stories and case studies of eco-conscious individuals and communities who are leading the way towards healthier, cleaner and greener cities.


Neelam Ahluwalia works as a development sector consultant and documentary film maker. She enjoys volunteering her time for environment campaigns.

Nitin Das is a film maker who loves to make films to inspire city folks to connect with nature and find their inner calm.

Monika Khanna Gulati is a design professional, educator and zero waste evangelist who is the co-founder of NCR Waste Matters, a citizen’s awareness and action group.

Keshav Jaini is an eco-champion who volunteers his time to promote low cost, natural composting solutions along with permaculture & other eco-friendly initiatives.

Khyati Pathak is a software engineer who loves writing about green stories of change.

Akanksha Gambhir is a graphic designer who enjoys making catchy creatives to increase eco-awareness in urban communities.